Self-Care for Busy Women: Strategies to Keep Your Sanity

We often find ourselves caught up in the never-ending cycle of responsibilities and commitments. We juggle multiple roles, constantly putting others' needs before our own. But here's the truth: neglecting self-care is a recipe for disaster. Without taking the time to recharge and prioritize our well-being, we risk burnout, exhaustion, and a negative impact on our mental and physical health.

Transitioning from prioritizing others' well-being to focusing on your own can be challenging and uncomfortable, even feel selfish. But wellness and preventive medicine physician Sandra Darling, DO, MPH, says it’s time to start viewing self-care differently and enter into this uncharted territory, despite the initial discomfort it can bring.

Strategies For Your Mind

Explore relaxation or wellness apps- There’s no shortage of mindfulness and meditation apps these days, promising to help you combat anxiety, sleep better, hone your focus, and more.

  • Try Calm for Free. Get personalized content to manage stress and anxiety, get better sleep, and feel more present in your life. 

  • Join Mindfulness free for 7 days. You can find quick and easy mindfulness exercises you can do anytime throughout the day; Meditate, where you’ll find all of the app’s 2,000+ guided meditations; Sleep, which houses restful and relaxing meditations for deep sleep and more!

Practice gratitude- With just a little effort, you can find reasons to be grateful every day, and practicing gratitude regularly offers many health benefits that can boost your happiness year-round. Want to be happier and less stressed? Try one of these three exercises:

  1. Journaling- Every day spend a few minutes writing down some good things about your day.

  2. Mindfulness walk- Go for a walk and make a special effort to appreciate your surroundings.

  3. Unplug- Remove yourself from distractions such as your phone or TV. Spend 5-10 minutes mentally reviewing the good things from your day.

Strategies For Your Body

Engage in daily physical activity- Dedicating just 30 minutes to daily walking can positively influence your mood and overall health. Start small and gradually progress over time.

Prioritize adequate rest- Ensure you get at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night. Quality sleep goes beyond the total hours; try to establish a consistent sleep schedule for optimal outcomes. 

Experience the benefits of massage therapy- Massages can reduce stress hormone levels while increasing neurotransmitters that positively impact mood.

Strategies For Your Spirit

Spend time in nature- Sit and look at the plants and animals around you. Maybe try growing a small flower or vegetable garden.

Meditation- The goal of meditation is to feel peace and calm while remaining present in the moment. According to the Office on Women’s Health, more than 1 in 5 women in the U. S. experienced a mental health condition, such as depression or anxiety, within the past year. Mental health includes your emotional, psychological, and social well-being and having good mental health is vital to your overall health.

Practice yoga- Yoga teaches that your thoughts are not always right and that you can learn to choose which ones to focus on and which ones to let go of.


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