Women’s Health: In Your 60s

Forget the images of early bird specials, rocking chairs, and grannies. Today's 60-year-olds are embracing an active and healthy lifestyle. Age is just a number, and a positive outlook on life can lead to improved health and well-being. This comprehensive guide will explore the most pertinent healthy habits for women in their 60s, covering everything from sleep to nutrition, exercise, and preventive health care.

Embracing a Positive Attitude Towards Aging

The Power of Positivity

Research indicates that a positive outlook on life can lead to improved health and longer life. An upbeat mental state can reduce the risk of heart disease, improve blood sugar levels, and lower blood pressure. A positive attitude towards aging may also protect against dementia, even for those genetically at risk. Researchers at Yale University found that people who feel positive about aging live longer than those who don't and are more likely to take control and responsibility for their health.

Engaging in Meaningful Pursuits

The key to maintaining a positive attitude towards aging is to have an active lifestyle full of meaningful pursuits. This could include volunteering, taking up new hobbies, spending time with friends and family, or pursuing lifelong learning.

Immunity & Sleep Issues While Aging

As our bodies age, our immune system also ages. There are some key things to help address an aging immune system and one key component is adequate sleep.

Age-Related Immune System Decline

As our immune system ages, it diminishes in function, leaving us more vulnerable to infections. This decline can affect our ability to fight off infections and reactivate latent viruses, such as chickenpox.

Tips for Boosting Immunity

To keep your immune system in fighting shape, stay up-to-date with immunizations, maintain a well-balanced diet, take a multivitamin, reduce stress, and consult with your physician about any medications that may inhibit vitamin absorption.

The Importance of Sleep

People over 60 need just as much sleep as younger adults, but they often don't get it. Insomnia, which is typically caused by factors like stress, depression, or long work hours, is also linked to medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or pain from arthritis. Weight gain can lead to sleep apnea, where the body isn't getting enough oxygen, causing frequent interruptions of sleep at night.

Addressing Sleep Issues

To ensure proper sleep, adopt healthy sleep habits, such as going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, putting technology away at night, and avoiding alcohol and caffeine within a few hours of bedtime. If you still have trouble sleeping, consider keeping a sleep diary of symptoms to discuss with a physician.

Women’s Preventive Health Screenings

The Importance of Regular Checkups

Regular checkups and preventive health screenings can help detect and address health problems early. Women in their 60s should have routine physical and gynecological exams yearly, along with other recommended screenings based on personal medical history and risk factors.

Recommended Screenings for Women in Their 60s

Some of the recommended screenings for women in their 60s include blood pressure tests, cholesterol tests, bone mineral density exams, colorectal cancer screenings, mammography, Pap tests and pelvic exams, and thyroid tests. Consult with your healthcare professional about which screenings are right for you.

Age-Related Sensory Decline

As we age, gradual declines in vision, hearing, smell, and taste are normal. Regular check-ups with eye and hearing specialists can help detect and manage age-related sensory changes.

Hearing and Vision Screenings

The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends comprehensive eye exams every one to two years for those aged 65 and over. Similarly, regular hearing check-ups can help detect and manage age-related hearing loss.

Staying Active & Maintaining a Healthy Weight

The Benefits of Exercise

Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining overall health, especially as we age. It can help prevent or manage chronic health conditions, improve mental health, maintain bone density, and reduce the risk of falls.

Exercise Recommendations for Women in Their 60s

A combination of aerobic, strength, balance, and flexibility exercises is recommended for women in their 60s. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, along with muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days per week.

The Risks of Obesity

Being overweight or obese can lead to several health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, and certain types of cancer. It's important to maintain a healthy weight throughout your 60s to reduce the risk of developing these conditions.

Weight Management Strategies

To manage your weight, focus on a well-balanced diet, regular physical activity, and stress reduction. Consider seeking guidance from a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized advice on weight management.

Women’s Bone & Joint Health

Osteoarthritis and Joint Health

People over 60 may experience symptoms of osteoarthritis, which occurs from wear and tear on the joints, leading to aching, stiffness, and swelling.

Managing Joint Pain and Stiffness

Lifestyle modifications, such as weight loss to relieve stress on the joints and strengthening the muscles that support them, can help prevent and manage arthritis symptoms. Additionally, over-the-counter and prescription medications, alternative medical treatments, and surgery are available for more severe cases.

Preventing Falls and Protecting Bone Health

Osteoporosis and Fall Prevention

Osteoporosis, characterized by weakened bones that are more likely to break, becomes more prevalent as we age. To prevent falls and protect bone health, engage in weight-bearing exercises, maintain a healthy diet with adequate levels of vitamin D and calcium, and limit alcohol consumption.

Home Safety Measures

Prevent falls by keeping your home safe and uncluttered. Remove tripping hazards, install grab bars in the bathroom, and ensure proper lighting throughout your living spaces.

Embracing Sexuality and Intimacy in Your 60s

Maintaining a Healthy Sex Life

A healthy sex life is an important aspect of well-being for many women in their 60s. Open communication with your partner, regular check-ups with your healthcare provider, and exploring new ways to express intimacy can help maintain a fulfilling sexual relationship.

Addressing Sexual Health Concerns

If you experience any sexual health concerns, such as pain during intercourse or decreased libido, don't hesitate to discuss them with your healthcare professional. There are treatments and strategies available to help address these issues and maintain your sexual well-being.

Prioritizing Mental Health

The Impact of Aging on Mental Health

Aging can bring about changes in mental health, such as increased risk for depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline. It's essential to prioritize mental health and well-being in your 60s.

Strategies for Supporting Mental Health

To maintain good mental health, stay socially connected, engage in mentally stimulating activities, practice stress-reduction techniques, and seek professional help if needed.


Staying active, eating well, getting regular check-ups, and maintaining a positive attitude towards aging can significantly improve your health and well-being in your 60s. Embrace this exciting stage of life and take control of your health to make the most of your golden years.